The Ear, the Eye, the Arm Chapter 10 Summary

  • A couple weeks pass, and Tendai, Rita, and Kuda are still with the She Elephant.
  • Once, Tendai tried to escape, but it didn't work. He figures they would have hurt the kids by now if they were ever going to.
  • Since he was unchained, he made a break for it, but the vlei people stopped him before he could even get out of the tunnels. Since then, he's kept a low profile.
  • Rita insists on getting Kuda to remember the smallest details about home so he doesn't forget his parents.
  • She quizzes him on their dad's uniform or their mom's face. Rita is still cranky with everyone down in the tunnels, and she purposely gives Fist and Knife a hard time.
  • The only person she likes is Granny, who is just like Rita, but much older. She's always complaining, too.
  • Granny and Rita take turns mocking the She Elephant just to get on her nerves. They call her a goat, hog, hyena, and whatever else they can think of. Go team.
  • One day, a guy named Trashman comes to visit. The She Elephant explains that he's a strong guy but has the mind of a four-year-old.
  • Kuda thinks he can translate what Trashman says, but Tendai doubts it.
  • Before long, however, it's clear Kuda and Trashman are fast friends. These two can talk, whether they technically understand each other or not.
  • Everybody likes Trashman. It's impossible not to. The guy is easygoing and affectionate to just about everyone, especially Kuda.
  • Tendai starts getting homesick. Sure, the She Elephant isn't mean to him, but this isn't home either.
  • He wants to run free and escape, but knows he can't. Besides, who would take care of Kuda and Rita?
  • He goes up to the top of the hill where no one can see him cry.