The Ear, the Eye, the Arm Chapter 12 Summary

  • Earlier in the day, Tendai works at his new job in Dead Man's Vlei.
  • Of all the jobs he's had while down there, this is his least favorite because he has to stir fruit while it ferments, which makes him dizzy.
  • The only good thing about his new job is that he isn't chained down like before. That doesn't mean he can escape, though.
  • He's in a room with only two exits: one that opens to a tunnel that leads to water and the other that opens to a tunnel that goes up to the air.
  • Of course the She Elephant sets up camp right outside this second tunnel so she can see him go past if he tries anything again.
  • While working, Tendai comes across a ndoro. That's just a fancy word for a special piece of shell that Spirit Mediums wear around.
  • He knows it could be valuable or powerful, so he takes it for himself. The minute he lets the She Elephant in on his secret, she'll try to take it from him.
  • Just then, he hears Knife and Fist arguing with the She Elephant about whether or not they should sell the kids to the Masks.
  • Tendai's heard of the Masks before—everybody has—but no one really understands them since they arent' after drugs or money, which is unusual for a gang.
  • Tendai remembers his dad thinking they just want power. Part of their power comes from the fact that no one knows what their next move will be.
  • He thinks about how he's grown a lot stronger physically in the time he's been there. He can now hoist himself up out of the hole and work much harder than before.