The Ear, the Eye, the Arm Chapter 22 Summary

  • Chipo goes into labor. It's earlier than expected, so she doesn't have time to find the right midwives, which sends everyone into a panic.
  • Tendai worries about what will happen to her if her baby dies. He can hardly go to sleep that night.
  • He's awoken in the middle of the night by a baby crying. It's a boy.
  • Everyone is quiet and whispering. Tendai's not sure what that means, but he knows it can't be good.
  • Everyone is anxious, until someone announces that the Spirit Medium declared the baby one of them. Phew.
  • Bang. A pot crashes to the ground and someone screams. Tendai doesn't know what's happening, but before long, Rita comes out holding another baby.
  • What's going on? Tendai wonders.
  • She explains that Myanda actually gave birth to twins—a boy and a girl.
  • Evidently twins are bad luck in Resthaven, so the midwife was going to kill one (and chose the girl baby).
  • Everyone knows about it. They just pretend not to because it's no fun killing babies. Gee, you think?
  • Tendai and Rita are taken away to a hut until the Spirit Medium decides what to do with them.
  • In there, Myanda comes to visit them and wants to help them. She thinks Tendai is a know-it-all for acting like he can solve everything in Resthaven after living there for only 2 weeks.
  • She was born on the outside, too, and came here as a teenager.
  • Myanda explains that their dad—the General—gave her a stern tongue-lashing when she was fourteen and riding with the wrong gang. He suggested she visit Resthaven for discipline and a simpler life.
  • It worked, and she's never been happier than she is here, which she credits to the General. Without him, she'd get arrested again. Or worse.
  • She lets them in on another secret: Pretty soon, the Spirit Medium will give them a potion to drink.
  • Other people in the town will get one, too, but it will be different—they won't be able to keep their down. When the villagers see that Tendai and Rita don't puke, they will have confirmation that the kids are witches.
  • Myanda gives them some chicken droppings to add to their potion so they up-chuck, too. That way no one will suspect them.