Revolver Chapter 18 Summary

Sun Day, dusk

  • Sig flat out tells Wolff that he's barking up the wrong tree—his dad never mentioned him, and he's sure Anna won't know anything either.
  • Still, though, Wolff doesn't budge—if he says he'll wait for Anna, then darn it, he'll wait for Anna.
  • He instructs Sig to bury Einar, but Sig has already tried and can't because of the ice.
  • Sig remembers back to his 12th birthday only a few years ago—his dad gave him a present, which was a huge deal since they never got presents. Ever. They couldn't afford it.
  • When Sig opens the box and looks inside, it's a gun. Einar tells Sig that it's the most beautiful thing on the inside, though he'll just have to imagine it.
  • Then he explains how it works, covering everything from what happens to the bullets, to what goes on inside the chamber, to how things move and slide into place when you pull the trigger.
  • Einar pulls the trigger without any bullets inside to show Sig what it's like—even though the sound isn't that loud, he still jumps.
  • The boys keep talking about how practically perfect the gun is in every way.
  • Just then, Anna gets upset—she thinks of what her mom would say and gets annoyed at her dad for making a gun out to be beautiful.
  • It's not so beautiful when it fires and kills something or someone, she chimes in—then she points the empty gun at Sig's head to prove her point, and when she does, suddenly it doesn't seem like a beautiful masterpiece to him either, but a scary situation.
  • Later, Einar suggests they each get a turn firing it down by the lake—they can only have one bullet each, so they have to make it count.
  • Anna goes first and hits a tree. She's a little disappointed since it wasn't the one she was aiming for, but she laughs all the same.
  • Next up, Einar goes. At first Anna says he missed his target too.
  • But then their dad points out that he hit exactly where Anna did—the bullet hole is much bigger now.
  • Sig is really proud of himself for making such a shot, and he can tell his dad is impressed too.