Revolver Chapter 32 Summary

Moon Day, dawn

  • The next morning, Sig and Anna get ready to go out to where they found their dad's body, but Wolff stops them—he wants to go with Sig and leave Anna behind in case she tries to run away.
  • Sig tries to whisper to Anna a couple times, because he wants to know what happened with Nadya, but Anna just tells him she's sorry and she will never leave him. This might be more reassuring if they weren't staring down the barrel of a gun, but so it goes.
  • Wolff orders Sig to grab some rope so they can tie Anna to a chair to make sure she doesn't escape.
  • Sig thinks about grabbing the gun too, but doesn't know what he'd do with it once he gets back. What if he missed shooting Wolff and hit Anna instead? Or what if it didn't kill Wolff? What then?
  • Wolff ties Anna to the chair and seems to enjoy it when the rope digs into her skin; she winces and he likes it even more. Boo and hiss.
  • Then she asks him if he killed their mom—but he just says he never had the pleasure of knowing their mother.