Revolver Chapter 31 Summary

Sun Day, night

  • Wolff warns Sig not to play any games with him, assuring the kid that it won't end well for him.
  • Sig remembers that when he found his dad's body, there were a bunch of papers from his office in his satchel.
  • They didn't mean anything to him at the time, but maybe if they went back and looked through them, there would be something about gold in there. It's worth a shot—or not, as the case may be, considering that he's got a gun to his head.
  • Wolff's not sure whether to believe them or not, but he's got no other option—Einar's dead and no one seems to know where the gold is.
  • Sig swears there're papers with his dad's stuff, and Wolff reminds him he's swearing on his sister's life.