Revolver Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Finally he moved from the chair and realized that the shadows had crept across the room and draped it all in darkness. The cabin glowed softly in the light from the single oil lantern hanging from a stout metal hook in the center beam of the roof. (2.10)

Call it intuition, but Sig has a fear inside him about something, he's just not sure what.

Quote #2

Their home for the next seven months. At least one of the shacks was theirs. They might just make it. As for Maria, only God knew, but then with a surge of fear tightening his throat, he thought of the children. (5.22)

There are several times when Einar questions whether he's made the right choice by moving his family to Alaska. We see that he's not just thinking about this, but genuinely scared about what the consequences might be if he has made the wrong decision.

Quote #3

His features were coarse, his eyes far apart, his nose broad, his mouth hidden by a rough beard of ginger and white. His head, when he removed his fur hat, was shaven to his scalp. His skull was a disturbing shape, flat at the back, his ears too small. It was not a face stroked into creation by God's loving hand, but battered into shape by the Devil's hammer. (6.10)

We don't think Wolff will be winning any beauty contests anytime soon. He's so scary looking that even before he knows what the guy is up to, Sig's afraid when he shows up at the house.