Revolver Chapter 3 Summary

Wash Day, night

  • This Wash Day was not like others, though. Thinking back to earlier in the day, Sig remembers that Einar was nowhere to be found, and Anna and Nadya started bickering.
  • Now it's full-on flashback time (to earlier in the day, that is). Sig gets fed up with the arguing, so he heads out to look for his dad, hoping he'll get to ride the sled back when he finds him.
  • Sig pulls on his boots and it starts to snow—he thinks he can just barely make out something off in the distance on the ice, but he isn't sure.
  • As he gets closer, he wonders if the ice will hold him, but he's got to go forward in case whatever's out there is his dad.
  • Finally, he can just see the four sled dogs and the body of his father.
  • He's shaken at first, but then Sig decides to try to figure out what happened.
  • His dad's gloves are off (in this cold?) and his things are scattered about on the ice. Sig's not sure what happened at first, but then he sees a small hole in the ice, so he figures his dad fell through and then the ice froze over again, all around him.
  • When his dad realized what was happening, he must have taken off his glove to light a match and make a fire to burn himself out—there are some papers and an old Bible there, and it looks like he was trying to burn them to save his life.
  • It was too late, though—the weather was too cold and Einar died within the hour.