Revolver Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Then she would have laughed. Of course she would have laughed, for she was always laughing, unless she was singing. Unless she was singing, or fighting with Nadya. (2.6)

Even though Nadya and Anna bicker sometimes, they seem to care about what's important: family. We see what the house was like before Einar died, and it seems like a place filled with warm memories and happy songs for Sig.

Quote #2

Sig loved sitting in the warm water, knees tucked under his chin, watching the snow fall through the end window of the cabin if it were winter, or the shadows moving in the pines if it were summer. What he loved most of all though, was the time spent with his father after the bath, as Nadya and Anna prepared supper. (2.23)

It's clear Sig cherishes the time he gets to spend with his dad, talking and sharing about their lives. Later, Sig wonders whether this time was all a façade—you know, since his dad was stealing from people—but we think that both guys seem to genuinely care about the time together.

Quote #3

There were enough years between them that they'd never been rivals, only friends, and until Nadya had come along, Anna had been Sig's mother as well as his sister. These days he felt as if he had two mothers. (3.1)

Or, make that three, since Sig is looked after by Maria, Anna, and Nadya in turn, and he loves each of them very much. We get a lot of backstory about his family to show us what a tight-knit group they are, despite Einar's shenanigans and Wolff showing up.