Revolver Wisdom and Knowledge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Even in the depths of winter, Sig spent much time outside, thinking, thinking, thinking. Trying to work out what to do with himself […] And though he spent much of his time looking, thinking, watching, he could never quite shift the feeling that he was waiting for something. (3.5)

Sig's one of those contemplative types, always thinking and evaluating, even if there is nothing to really consider. Maybe he gets that from his dad, who also seems obsessed with figuring stuff out.

Quote #2

Again he was reminded of his father, who would always say, "Know what you can. Know everything you can know." (4.2)

Well it's pretty hard to know what you cannot know… But we think what Einar's getting at here is that knowledge is a valuable commodity. It should be treasured and sought, just like the gold-rushers treat gold in the book.

Quote #3

"Know what you will of the world. Know what you can, know what men are and the things they do. Understand what God is to you, understand what you are to your loved ones. Love, sing, cry, and fight, but all the time, seek to know everything you can about the earth upon which you stand, till your time is done." (10.1)

As different as Sig's parents are, they both try to teach him the same thing about knowledge. It's important to note that even Maria—who is obsessed with faith—thinks knowledge is vital to growing up.