Revolver Chapter 33 Summary

Moon Day, early morning

  • Outside, Wolff asks Sig how far it is to where he found his dad. It's about half a mile, so they decide to take the sled dogs. They howl and bark, and Wolff threatens to shoot them if Sig doesn't shut them up.
  • When they're underway, Sig worries that they'll fall through the ice just like his dad—it's below freezing outside, so Sig knows that if they do fall through, they'll die before they can get out.
  • When they get to Einar's satchel, Wolff makes sure Sig stays put and then grabs the bag.
  • All of a sudden, Sig sees his mom's Bible out there amongst his dad's things. He figured that his dad was trying to light it on fire because the pages were so thin, but for some reason, now he wants the Bible for himself. It's the only thing he has left of his mom—and now of his dad, too.
  • He grabs the Bible and Wolff asks him what he's got. When he shows Wolff, the guy lets him take it—he's preoccupied going through the papers anyway.
  • Sig remembers a time when the Bible broke and Nadya wanted it fixed; the binding was coming off from overuse.
  • Einar strengthened the cover, repaired the ends, and presented it to Nadya for approval. She was thrilled, and Einar was in a good mood the rest of the day.