Revolver Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"A gun is not a weapon," Einar once said to Sig. "It's an answer. It's an answer to the questions life throws at you when there's no one else to help." (2.25)

This helpful nugget of advice comes to Sig from Einar, who has no problem with using guns under specific circumstances. Still though, he feels that guns shouldn't be used unless there's no other option.

Quote #2

All that would be left would be the struggle to survive in a world of danger, both natural and man-made, with the occasional speck of gold dust coming his way. Just enough to keep that stupid dream of easy money alive, the dream of fantastic wealth, of ease and luxury and fine things for the rest of his days, but in reality not enough to live on for even a week. (8.3)

There's no denying it's rough for the gold-rushers, and violence only adds to it. In fact, there seems to be danger lurking around every corner in Nome what with all the new settlers. The book shows us that while everyone is on edge and prone to causing problems, there's no need to be violent just for the sake of it.

Quote #3

"No," Maria said, her anger wearing her out so quickly. "No, he mustn't … My children must not know evil things. They must learn to trust in the love and the care of God." (12.16)

It's sweet that Maria wants to protect her children from the gun and violence it represents, but we can't help but wonder whether she's being sensible or naive in doing so. After all, violence comes into her kids' lives whether she wants it to or not.