The Sign of the Beaver Coming-of-Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Then, startled, Matt turned toward Attean. He did not dare to ask a question, but he saw at once that there was no need to ask. No doubt about it, Attean had found his manitou. He had changed. He stood straighter and taller. (21.2)

Yay. Now comes the real question: What do you think Attean's new name will be?

Quote #8

A sudden joyful hope sprang into Matt's mind. […] This was a way out. He did not have to stay here alone through the long winter. Then, as swiftly as it had come, this new hope dies away. In spite of his longing, in spite of being afraid, he knew what he had to answer. (21.17)

Matt is growing up. Even though the lonely-boy part of him wants to take off with the Indians, the responsible-man part of him knows he needs to stay and be faithful to his family. That's a tough choice, but he chooses to be a man.

Quote #9

Attean had become a hunter. He had a gun. He would not have time now to wander through the forest or to listen to stories. (21.30)

Ah, shucks—Attean's not a kid anymore. How would Attean and Matt's friendship have changed if the Penobscots had decided to stay for the winter?