The Sign of the Beaver Man and the Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

There was a chilliness inside him as well that neither the sun nor the fire ever quite reached. It seemed to him that day by day the shadow of the forest moved closer to the cabin. (18.1)

Is the chilliness Matt's fear of loneliness? Or is Matt worried about his survival through the winter?

Quote #8

"Snow come soon," Saknis persisted. "Not good white boy stay here alone. White boy come with Indians." (21.14)

Saknis knows that Matt doesn't have the same skill as the Indians to survive in the natural world alone. He's offering him family, sure, but also protection.

Quote #9

Proud though he was of his harvest, Matt knew in his heart that it was far from enough. The hunt for food would be never-ending. (23.4)

That's the thing about survival: it's a continual process. This is totally true today too, though it looks more like grocery shopping, lunch packing, and meal cooking. Survival needs don't go away—they just look different as time passes.