Despereaux's Family

Character Analysis

Lester, Antoinette, Furlough, and Merlot

Like most mice, Despereaux has a huge family. But he still feels very isolated because his siblings and parents make him feel as though he's different. Because he doesn't have the same typical mouse interests and activities as them (hiding and eating, mostly), they avoid him. His mother sees him as a total disappointment.

When Despereaux approaches Princess Pea, it's his own brother Furlough and his father Lester who turn him into the Mouse Council and send him to his doom. Even his mother doesn't do much beside act the drama queen and faint. It gets even worse when two hooded mice tie him up and walk him down to the dreaded dungeon:

Despereaux shuddered. His own brother was delivering him to the dungeon. His heart stopped beating and shrunk to a small, cold, disbelieving pebble. But then, just as quickly, it leapt alive again, beating with hope.

"Furlough," Despereaux said, and he took one of his brother's paws in his own. "Please, let me go. Please. I'm your brother."

Furlough rolled his eyes. He took his paw out of Despereaux's. "No," he said. "No way." (13.14-16)

So much for family loyalty.