Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging Chapter 12 Summary

July: The Sex God Has Landed

  • Georgia spat in Lindsay's coffee cup during their uncomfortable encounter.
  • On the friendship front, Jackie and Alison decide they really want to be Georgia's friend, but this just annoys her.
  • Georgia finally decides to be proactive, so she picks up the phone and calls Robbie. Alas, Lindsay is over at his house so he's unable to talk to her. Drat.
  • Georgia and her mum have a conversation about going to New Zealand, and Georgia decides she hates school and England and doesn't care if they leave.
  • Thinking that she has to be a lesbian now (seriously—someone explain to this girl how sexual orientation works), Georgia practices kissing a picture of a woman named Denise Van Outen. She decides she can't get down with kissing ladies, though, so she'll become a nun instead. Because that makes a lot of sense.
  • Robbie finally calls back and makes plans to meet Georgia at her house tomorrow after school. He tells her he'll explain everything.
  • Georgia decides to skip school in order to prepare for her meeting with Robbie. She tells Jas to say that she's got the painters in, which is the English way of discretely saying she's on her period.
  • Georgia plans a beauty regiment for the day and tidies her house.
  • Around 11:00AM, Georgia hears the front door open. She first thinks it might be a burglar and hopes Angus will protector her, but then she realizes she actually hasn't seen Angus for a while.
  • As it turns out, the burglar is just Jem and Mum. Georgia assumes they're having an affair and presses her ear against the living room door. Jem then says, "This is the door that sticks…" and when he opens it, Georgia falls into the room and pretends to have fainted.
  • Mum puts smelling salts under her nose, Georgia pretends to be confused and says she felt sick on the way to school.
  • Mum sends Georgia to bed. Georgia hears the door slam, and Mum comes upstairs; she says she took an hour off to discuss the final decisions for the room. Georgia isn't convinced, though, and tells Mum that Libby calls Jem her new dad. Mum leaves for a few minutes but then returns. She insists she not having an affair with Jem and tearfully admits she misses Dad.
  • Georgia wishes her dad were home so she could go back to forgetting about him.
  • After her meeting with Robbie, Georgia feels awful. They discussed Lindsay and the not real engagement, but instead of asking Georgia to be his girlfriend, he told her they couldn't be together—he thinks it's wrong because of their age difference. And then he kissed her goodbye anyway.
  • Georgia is excited when Robbie dumps Lindsay. For her part, though, Lindsay calls Georgia a "horrid little girl."
  • There's no sign of Angus, so Georgia takes a walk around the block looking for him; she sees Mark kissing another girl.
  • Angus is still missing. Georgia hoped he would be at home after her walk around the block, and when Jas comes over and asks about her evil kitty's whereabouts, Georgia almost cries.
  • Georgia has a dream about Robbie. In it she has blonde hair, which Georgia decides is a sign that she can convince Robbie she's mature by dying a blonde streak in her hair.
  • Angus is still missing, and Mum thinks a car might've hit him. This revelation makes Georgia want to become a vegetarian. She doesn't want to eat anything that feels pain, but then decides vegetables feel pain, too, so now she doesn't know what she can eat. We've never heard the laments of a carrot, but Georgia might be on to something
  • Jas helps Georgia look for Angus, and as they hunt, Robbie pulls up next to them in his Mini Cooper. He asks them if they've found the cat, and Georgia responds that they've looked everywhere, but there's been no sign of him.
  • Georgia talks about a scene that she calls a "silver lining." She was sitting up against Elvis's/Mr. Attwood's hut—he's the caretaker of the school—and as he got his coat and left, Georgia noticed that he didn't lock his hut. Because she had nothing else to do, Georgia went inside and found some magazines on his desk. To her surprise they were all naughty magazines. When she flipped through the centerfold, she found a picture of Elvis and his wife in their underwear so she took it and passed the magazine around class. Elvis knows it was taken, but can't say anything and risk getting into trouble.
  • Robbie calls Georgia and tells her he's found Angus. Robbie was looking for Angus (because he is perfection) and found him tied up with a bad paw. Someone had found him, tied him up, and bandaged him so his owner could find him—they even put up flyers, but Georgia somehow never saw them.
  • Robbie tells Georgia they were happy to get rid of Angus since he ate two doormats and a clothesline. Robbie says he'll bring him home around five.
  • While Mum is out, Georgia decides to bleach a blonde streak in her hair with peroxide that her grandma uses to clean her dentures. What could possibly go wrong?
  • The streak turns orange and then yellow, but Georgia just keeps adding on more peroxide and it finally turns white.
  • Robbie arrives with Angus. Georgia tries to hug Angus, but being the sweetheart that he is, he just lashes out at her.
  • Robbie thinks he should go because it's hard for him to be around Georgia. She thanks him for returning Angus, and in a final attempt at maturity, flicks back her blonde streak and runs her fingers through her hair. The white streak snaps off in her hand. Robbie laughs, tells her she's weird, and then kisses her. She throws the bit of hair on the couch and Angus immediately goes for it.
  • Robbie pulls away from her and says they should take it slow, start seeing each other first, and keep their relationship on the down low.
  • Georgia is so excited to be Robbie's girlfriend—nothing can go wrong, everything is perfect. Well, until Mum comes home… with plane tickets to New Zealand. They're leaving next week.