Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging Chapter 7 Summary

February: Jas Must Die

  • We meet Jem—no, not the fearless leader of the Holograms; the decorator that Mum has hired. Mum is giving Libby a bath upstairs when Jem arrives.
  • Georgia answers the door and sees Angus get a hold of the neighbors' niece's guinea pig. After Angus causes a ruckus and the guinea pig is returned, Jem comes inside.
  • When Mum comes downstairs in an unflattering outfit and sees Jem, she gets red in the face and leaves the room. Georgia is excited by the fact that Jem thinks she's sixteen.
  • Jas and Georgia dress up in short skirts and see how many boys will hoot at them. The answer is ten.
  • When Georgia and Jas walk into school, Robbie is at the gate. Again. He probably lives there for all we know.
  • He asks Jas if they can speak to each other at some point. She agrees, angering Georgia, who feels betrayed because Robbie is her sexy sworn enemy.
  • Later at Jas's, Jas and Georgia get into a fight about Robbie taking Jas out for coffee. Georgia leaves in a huff.
  • Georgia attempts to avoid Jas, but they have a run-in in the bathroom. Jas tells Georgia that if anything romantic happens between her and Robbie, she will tell Georgia first. Again, Jas isn't very tactful. This time, though, Georgia gets so angry that she kicks Jas in the shin.
  • Georgia witnesses mild flirtation between Jem and her mother.
  • Georgia's dad sends a letter from New Zealand describing the volcanoes and including pictures. In a moment of vulnerability, Georgia decides to talk to her mother in order to save the family.