Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging Sexuality and Sexual Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

What do lesbians do anyway? (1.57)

Georgia makes several comments about lesbians throughout the book, but this comment really puts into perspective how much Georgia understands about sexuality—a.k.a. nothing at all. That doesn't stop her from having opinions and sharing them, though.

Quote #2

I was glancing through Just 17 and it listed kissing techniques. What I don't understand is how do you know when to do it, and how do you know which sides to go to? You don't want to be bobbing around like pigeons for hours, but I couldn't tell much from the photos. I wish I had never read it. It has made me more nervous and confused that I was before. (1.123)

Fun fact: Sometimes the best way to learn is by doing, not reading.

Quote #3

If I marry or, as is more likely, become a high-flying executive lesbian, I am never going to do housework. (1.126)

See? We told you Georgia brings lesbians up a lot. And never with any accuracy. Lesbians do housework, too, you know…