Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging Jealousy Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

She looked so annoyingly "wise" and "mature." What the hell did she know about boys? (1.45)

This is Georgia's reaction to Jas's (not-so) wise comment, "boys don't think girls are for funniness" (1.44). Georgia's beef isn't with that absurdity of Jas's statement, though—it's with Jas knowing more than she does about the opposite gender.

Quote #2

Jas said, "Yes, she was. She's quite nice, really; she had her hair up."

I was furious with Jas for being so disloyal and said "Oh, it's nice that you've made new friends. I can't help thinking, though, that as Lindsay's BEST friend you could advise her that people with massive ears should not wear their hair up."

I put the phone down on her. (3.412-414)

Lindsay is Georgia's biggest rival when it comes to winning Robbie's heart. In this moment, Jas begins to compliment Lindsay, infuriating Georgia. Georgia is jealous that Lindsay looked nice, but she expresses this envy by calling her friend disloyal, covering up her jealously with anger.

Quote #3

Jas had mostly eights for all of her features and so she was in that really annoying mood when you've done quite well in an exam and it makes you sort of "kind" to people who haven't done as well. We compared marks on the way home. (4.456)

After Georgia and her friends rate each other, dissatisfied with own her scores, Georgia scorns Jas for her higher marks. Georgia doesn't directly speak about her feelings about her own marks, though, instead focusing on how Jas is being annoying about her higher scores.