Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging Dissatisfaction Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I don't see why I can't have a lock on my bedroom door. Every time I suggest anything around this place, people start shaking their heads and tutting. (1.3)

Georgia is so sick of other people having power over her, particularly her parents. She wants a lock on her door, but it's their house and they call the shots and they say no way. Consider this an example of Georgia being dissatisfied with being a kid still.

Quote #2

What is the matter with people? I know why they don't want me to have a lock on my door. It's because it would be a first sign of my path to adulthood and they can't bear the idea of that because it would mean they might have to get on with their own lives and leave me alone. (1.9)

Again, Georgia is upset about the lock on the door issue. There's an added layer of dissatisfaction at work here, though: Georgia suggests her parents are dissatisfied with the prospect of having to live their own lives. We're not sure she's right, but she certainly seems pretty satisfied with her scathing assessment.

Quote #3

There are six things very wrong with my life: (1.10)

Need we say more? Georgia is literally about to list the things she finds unsatisfying about her life. Included will be her appearance, her sister, the end of summer, and best of all, dressing as a stuffed olive for a party.