The Great Wide Sea Change Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

This Chrysalis was very different from the one I still had in my mind. […] She was strong and beautiful. She had carried us safely. And now we were looking at her wreck. (31.3)

How have Ben's feelings about the Chrysalis changed since he saw her at the beginning of the trip, back in Florida?

Quote #8

Something changed. I couldn't tell what it was at first. It just seemed as if the color of the air had shifted somehow. (38.5)

Dylan's getting sicker—a fact that Ben's sixth sense has picked up on, even though he can't articulate what's wrong.

Quote #9

I wondered who was riding Mom's bicycle these days. (41.35)

Is it comforting to Ben that someone else is riding his mother's bike? Or does the thought haunt him?