Men in Black Scene 2 Summary

  • Kay cuts open the odd man's clothes to reveal him to be an alien—not the illegal type but the not-of-this-world, E.T. type—named Mikey.
  • While they're questioning Mikey, INS Agent Janus comes over the hill and sees them. We aren't sure what he was expecting, but based on the look on his face, it wasn't that.
  • Mikey attacks Janus. Dee's unable to charge his weapon quickly enough, leaving it to Kay to shoot Mikey, blowing him to bits in a spectacular explosion of blue goo.
  • The other INS agents come running after hearing the commotion, but Kay uses a neuralyzer—a device that erases memories— on them.
  • Fun fact: If you look at the device's interface, it shows three weeks and 45 minutes, meaning Kay's carving a decent chunk out of their memory space.
  • He then provides them with new memories involving an underground gas main explosion, though we don't think that'll quite cover three weeks of lost time.
  • Dee apologizes for his slip-up and says he'll sure miss the chase. Kay assures him that he won't, just before neuralyzing him.