Men in Black Scene 6 Summary

  • Kay takes Edwards to a pawn shop owned by Jake Jeebs. He demands that Jeebs show Edwards the "imports." Jeebs resists.
  • Like a strict parent, he counts to three and shoots Jeebs's head clean off. So that's what happens when your parents actually get to three.
  • Edwards draws his weapon but is surprised to see Jeebs's head grow back.
  • Not wanting to be decapitated again because, you know, it stings, Jeebs shows them his hidden cache of weapons. Edwards identifies the gun used by the perp earlier that evening.
  • Kay deduces that it must have been used for an assassination, but Jeebs, even at the threat of losing another head, doesn't know who the target was. Kay tells Jeebs to be on the next transport off the planet.