The Rules of Survival Chapter 1 Summary


  • Matthew thinks that their whole story begins with Murdoch McIlvane. Who is Murdoch, you may ask? Well, let's read on and see…
  • On a hot August night in Boston, all of the kids—who are ages thirteen, eleven, and five—are locked in the house even though it's sweltering hot; their mom, Nikki, is out on a date, so they're watching each other.
  • Callie and Matthew decide to sneak out to the corner store and buy some popsicles while Emmy sleeps. Even though Matthew is only thirteen, he knows that it's his job to keep his sisters safe… which is a lot of responsibility and stress to take on.
  • At the store, they see this dude start yelling at his kid and shaking him for eating some candy without asking first. Talk about Dad of the Year.
  • This other guy named Murdoch comes over, snatches the kid away, and tells the dude that he needs to stop picking on his own small child. He even tells the dude to go ahead and hit him instead of the kid.
  • The dad totally wimps out, though, and doesn't hit Murdoch. That's when Murdoch comes up to the kid and tells him that it's not okay for anyone to hurt him, ever. Not even if it's his parents.