The Rules of Survival Chapter 50 Summary

The O.K. Corral

  • He asks her why she smells so awful and Emmy says that Nikki forced her to drink a bunch of alcohol. Oh man.
  • As Matthew is trying to get Emmy out of the Port, a truck pulls up and someone gets out. Of course it's Nikki.
  • She says that she got Emmy drunk in order to shut her up, and Matthew almost can't handle his anger in that moment.
  • The guy that Nikki is with starts to advance, but when Matthew warns him that there's a warrant out for Nikki's arrest, he gets back into the truck and takes off.
  • In that moment, there's nothing that Matthew wants to do more than to put Emmy down and punch Nikki. He doesn't want to just hurt her, though, he wants to kill her.
  • And so he puts Emmy down and throws Nikki to the ground, fully intending to kick her in the head and end this thing.