The Rules of Survival Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

He says Nikki looked him up and down when he opened the door. She had you in her arms, and, smiling over your head, she introduced herself. "Murdoch McIlvane? Listen, I know this'll sound crazy, but someone I know thought I ought to meet you. And so, well, would you like to go over to the L Street diner with me and Emmy for coffee? Right now?" (8.5)

Murdoch and Nikki's romantic relationship is built on a foundation of lies, so it's no wonder that it fails to last. Still, the kids are really hoping that it works out—for their sake.

Quote #2

You know what I was hoping for? I bet you can guess, Emmy. I wasn't just hoping for Murdoch to stay with us. I was hoping I'd wronged Nikki all these years. That maybe—like us—all she'd ever really needed was Murdoch. And then she, and we, could all be normal. (8.23)

Matthew, Callie, and Emmy even start to deceive themselves during the calm when Nikki is dating Murdoch. They start to wonder if they've been unfair to Nikki all these years, and hope that she really is a good mom underneath all that violence.

Quote #3

She pretended to be normal, our mother, during most of those weeks she was with Murdoch. She tried hard, which was something I'd never seen in her before and was the thing that made me hope for the impossible. But she didn't, or couldn't, cover up her personality perfectly. (9.1)

Nikki tries really hard to seem normal and nice in front of Murdoch… but of course it doesn't last. She gets tired of the whole act and eventually drops it, revealing the crazed, erratic monster within.