The Rules of Survival Chapter 53 Summary


  • In the end, Matthew decides to put this ridiculously long letter to Emmy away. And he has to admit one more thing—which is that they have heard from Nikki since that night at the port. She sends lots and lots of letters to them, and he makes sure that Emmy never sees them.
  • He just hands over all the letters to Murdoch now so that he can record them in case they need to show them as evidence to the police.
  • One day at dinner, before Matthew leaves for college, he tells Murdoch about how they first saw him in that grocery store. And he thanks him for doing so much to help them when no one else would.
  • Murdoch comes out and admits that he had an abusive father, and that he killed him when he was thirteen. He'll never kill anyone again, and he wanted to stop Matthew from killing Nikki that night out on the port, to save him from carrying that weight around.
  • Matthew reveals that he's never going to give this letter to Emmy. It wasn't really for her—it was for himself, so that he could slog through all the terrible things he's been through.
  • And now he can start his life afresh.