The Rules of Survival Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

But Murdoch talked directly to the kid. "It's wrong for anybody ever to hurt you. No matter who does it, it's wrong. Can you remember that?" (1.30)

The kid at the grocery store obviously feels helpless against his father, but Murdoch lets him know that he does have some power. He doesn't have to take his dad's abuse… it's just not right.

Quote #2

But other times, any show of strength made her angrier and it was better to grovel.

I chose. I shifted my gaze down to the floor and waited, like a good beta monkey. (7.33-34)

Nikki doesn't let her kids forget that she's the boss, and she likes to humiliate them and make them feel small in order to exert her power and control. What a great mother, huh?

Quote #3

In the weeks after Murdoch broke up with our mother, Callie and you and I were involved in a frantic round of enforced family fun. (12.1)

Even "family fun" with Nikki isn't really all that fun. She controls everything that the Walsh kids do, so even when they've eaten too many pancakes and barfed on too many amusement park rides, she insists that they still act like they're having a grand old time.