The Rules of Survival Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Meanwhile, Murdoch said, quietly but audibly, "If you want to hurt somebody, you can hurt me. Go on. Hit me. I won't hit back. You can do it until you're not angry anymore. I'll let you." (1.24)

Murdoch is a pretty impressive dude. When Matthew first sees him, he's challenging an abusive dad to hit him instead of the kid. It's the kind of first meeting that leaves a strong impression.

Quote #2

She had the big kitchen knife, and it was pressed to my throat. And as she laughed, I could feel it shake in her hands, and push against my skin.

She cut me that night. Just a little.

Just to teach me not to steal, and not to sneak. (2.5-7)

Nikki isn't just violent, she's also unpredictable. How could Matthew have known that she'd come after him with a knife just for taking an Oreo? That's just over-the-top and ridiculous.

Quote #3

She snatched the plastic bag of mussels off the counter and slammed me across the face with it. Once. Twice. (7.30)

The Walsh kids are used to Nikki freaking out and assaulting them at any moment. Matthew isn't even that surprised when she goes from happily planning dinner to slamming a bag of mussels across his face within seconds. That's just Nikki.