The Rules of Survival Theme of Violence

There are quite a few broken windows, bruises, and car accidents going on in The Rules of Survival, thanks to Nikki's unpredictable and violent presence. Nikki is constantly reacting violently to perceived slights from her kids—once she even holds up a knife to Matthew's throat because he takes an Oreo without asking first. Talk about an overreaction, right? She also has someone beat up Murdoch because he dumps her, and eventually causes Julie Lindemann's car crash and paralysis.

Nikki is dangerous, erratic, and up to no good. She's definitely not someone who should be in charge of three children.

Questions About Violence

  1. Do you think that Matthew really would have killed Nikki at the end if Murdoch hadn't stopped him? Why or why not?
  2. Why does Nikki behave so violently toward the kids? Is she the same with each of them?
  3. How does Nikki get random men to agree to beat up Murdoch for her?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Nikki hurts the children physically when she is angry with them, but the real damage is in the emotional abuse that she rains down on them constantly.

In living so long with Nikki, Matthew begins to internalize some of her violent behaviors and tendencies. This is why, at the end, the only solution that he can think of is to kill her.