The 5th Wave Change Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

My cell phone. Cell towers don't work, and there's no one to call if they did. But, you know, it's my cell phone. (5.20)

Cassie holds on to relics of the past to help ease the transition into her new nightmare world.

Quote #2

I didn't want to go anywhere. I was still living in denial, pretending all this crazy alien stuff would work out, I don't know how, maybe with the signing of some intergalactic peace treaty. (5.41)

For a while, Cassie held on to an outlandish hope instead of accepting the real situation unfolding around her. Do you think that's human nature?

Quote #3

It's hard to believe now, but my family, like the vast majority of people, went about our daily lives as if the most monumentally mind-blowing thing in human history wasn't happening right over our heads. (5.50)

The mothership appeared ten days before the first alien attack. Looking back, Cassie can't believe that it didn't affect her more.