The 5th Wave Chapter 59 Summary

  • Zombie and Ringer are on their way to see the shooter. Ringer seems anxious about something.
  • Ringer's worried that she's going crazy. Zombie tells her she's not.
  • Zombie was shot, but the wound is superficial. Phew.
  • The duo wonders why this sniper keeps missing. Is he or she inexperienced?
  • Ringer pulls out a knife and starts talking crazy. Zombie's worried she's gone nuts and is going to try to kill him. He's not sure what to do.
  • Turns out Ringer has a theory: their superiors are actually aliens. She feels pretty sure.
  • She tells Zombie to cut out her tracker. Zombie thinks that's a bad idea.
  • Eventually, he humors her because he's worried she's about to kill him. They cut out each other's trackers.
  • Zombie removes her tracker and her head glows green. Wait a sec: is Ringer an alien?