The 5th Wave Chapter 10 Summary

  • Cassie says the 2nd Wave was far worse than the 1st Wave. It involved the Others dropping a giant metal pole onto a fault line, which caused major tsunamis around the world.
  • The 3rd Wave was pretty bad, too. It killed about four billion people through a disease that was spread by birds.
  • So here's how it worked: the virus was spread through bird poo. (Eww.) It wiped out 97% of the population in just three months.
  • The symptoms of the virus were pretty gross. People bled out of every orifice, including their eyes.
  • The only people who survived the 3rd Wave were naturally immune to the virus, apparently.
  • Cassie's mom died in the 3rd Wave, by the way. Her dad and her brother Sammy survived, though.
  • The cities become uninhabitable. Bodies were everywhere and there was no plumbing or electricity.
  • Cassie and her family spent most of the 3rd Wave hanging out at their house. People in the streets were violent, and Cassie's mom was really sick before she died.
  • Cassie's brother Sammy saw her crying and started to cry, too. She tried to comfort him.