The 5th Wave Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Sometimes I think I might be the last human on Earth. Which means I'm the last human in the universe. I know that's dumb. They can't have killed everyone…yet. (2.1-2.3)

Cassie seems pretty sure the human race is going the way of the dodo. What do you think?

Quote #2

I don't cry for myself. I cry for the Cassie that's gone. And I wonder what that Cassie would think of me. The Cassie who kills. (2.23)

Cassie experienced a sort of personal death after the alien apocalypse; she is no longer the person she once was. Ben has a similar journey.

Quote #3

It occurs to me that there's no real difference between us, the living and the dead; it's just a matter of tense: past-dead and future-dead. (26.4)

When Zombie contemplates his own death, he realizes it was always inevitable—even before the alien attacks.