The 5th Wave Chapter 74 Summary

  • Cassie's standing in the road waiting for the bus. Oh, here's one now.
  • The bus stops. Guess who's on it? Our old friend Parker, the soldier who rode the bus with Sammy.
  • The bus is back at the hangar. Cassie goes through processing, just like Sammy did.
  • Cassie lies to the nurses about her background. Dr. Pam comes and places her implant.
  • When Dr. Pam tries to strap Cassie into Wonderland, Cassie attacks. She knocks the doctor out.
  • Evan has instructed Cassie not to kill Dr. Pam. It will raise the alarm too soon.
  • Cassie digs out her tracker and places it in Dr. Pam's nose.
  • She goes to the computer to try to locate Sammy. She can't find him and she's out of time.
  • Cassie goes in the next room and puts on a white jumpsuit. By the time she returns to the other room, Dr. Pam's awake.