The 5th Wave Manipulation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Another way the Others mess with your head: the uncertain circumstances of your certain destruction. (5.6)

The Others are master manipulators who seriously mess with the humans' minds.

Quote #2

I couldn't outrun them. I couldn't outgun them. Maybe I could outsmart them. (21.6-21.8)

It turns out that Cassie is a pretty good manipulator herself. She outsmarted the soldiers who attacked the refugee camp. Then, later, she was able to infiltrate their military base to rescue her little brother.

Quote #3

They didn't need the masks anymore. Why not? The masks must have been part of the act. We would expect them to protect themselves from infection. (23.9)

The Others have human faces, which makes things pretty confusing for Cassie and her fellow Earthlings. She realizes this after some men posing as soldiers kidnap her little brother.