The 5th Wave Chapter 2 Summary

  • The narrator wonders if she's the last person on earth. Logically, she doesn't believe it. But she still worries about it.
  • Our narrator introduces herself: Cassie. Short for Cassiopeia, as in the constellation. Ironic, huh?
  • Cassie remembers when, four years ago, her father gave her a telescope for her twelfth birthday. The stars seemed so far away then.
  • Now, the stars feel close.
  • Cassie wonders if she's lost her mind. But she also thinks that crazy is the new normal.
  • She thinks back to how oblivious she was when she was twelve. Cassie misses the person she was then, before all this happened and she became a killer.
  • So Cassie kills people, sounds like. Good to know.