The 5th Wave The Other Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Aliens are stupid. I'm not talking about real aliens. The Others aren't stupid. The Others are so far ahead of us, it's like comparing the dumbest human to the smartest dog. (1.2)

One thing that makes the Others so scary is that they defy expectation. They're noting like aliens in pop culture, for instance. Humans find it difficult to cope with the unknown.

Quote #2

Not Cassie for Cassandra. Or Cassie for Cassidy. Cassie for Cassiopeia, the constellation, the queen tied to her chair in the northern sky, who was beautiful but vain, placed in the heavens by the sea god Poseidon as a punishment for her boasting. (2.8)

Though Cassie is human (so far as we know), it's worth noting that she's named for a constellation in outer space. This suggests she may have something in common with the Others.

Quote #3

I don't like to think that the Others look just like us and talk just like us and bleed just like us. I like to think of the Others as being… well, other. (3.1)

Why does it make Cassie so uncomfortable to acknowledge the aliens and humans have anything in common?