The Raven Boys Chapter 10 Summary

  • Barrington Whelk lays awake, thinking about ley lines and his former roommate Czerny's death. He grabs his map of Henrietta and looks at it, thinking about the places he found before Czerny died.
  • There was some kind of group of trees that they found with Latin phrases carved into the trunk, and high energy readings. They weren't sure what to make of it, and planned to find the ley lines together.
  • But then Whelk's mom told him that his dad had been arrested for unethical business practices and that they had lost absolutely everything. He wouldn't even get to go to Aglionby anymore.
  • He went back to his dorm that night and told Czerny that they were going to look for the ley lines and do the ritual as soon as possible.