The Raven Boys Chapter 46 Summary

  • The ground rumbles and they all have a hard time standing. Whelk is still able to pull the trigger and shoot Adam, though.
  • And even though he doesn't miss… Adam doesn't get hit. There is something about having sacrificed himself that makes it so that Whelk can't kill Adam anymore.
  • The shaking of the ground gets more urgent, and Blue, Ronan, and Gansey run into the hollowed-out vision tree to hide. They get there just in time for a bunch of horned beasts to thunder across the clearing. They avoid the pentagram, though.
  • Then the tree pulls Blue into a vision of Blue in the Camaro with Gansey—he's leaning in, trying to kiss her.
  • Before it can happen in the vision, though, Blue is jostled out of her reverie and sees Gansey pushing out of the tree.