The Raven Boys Jealousy Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Maybe Blue was having a bit of an identity crisis. Some days it did seem a little unfair that all of the wonder and power that surrounded her family was passed to Blue in the form of paperwork. 

At least I can still be a part of it, Blue thought grimly, although she felt about as included as a seeing eye dog. (1.59-60)

The problem with living in a house full of real live psychics is that you feel inferior if you can't commune with the dead or tell the future. That's Blue's problem. Even though her aunts and mom tell her that she's useful because she makes their powers stronger, she still feels like she missed out on the psychic gene.

Quote #2

Gansey was well aware that there was nothing little Henrietta, Virginia, preferred over seeing humiliating things happen to Aglionby boys, unless it was seeing humiliating things happen to their families. (2.8)

Aglionby boys may be considered snooty jerks, but the people in Henrietta who despise them act like jerks, too. What's wrong with stopping to see if someone needs help when their car has broken down on the side of the road?

Quote #3

Adam felt the familiar pang. Not jealousy, just wanting. One day he'd have enough money to have a place like this. A place that looked on the outside like Adam looked on the inside. (4.20)

Adam doesn't hate Gansey for having a lot more money than he does, but that doesn't stop him from wanting what his friend has. After all, when you have to work three jobs just to be able to afford school tuition, you're bound to look at your rich classmates with some resentment.