The Raven Boys The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

This was why Blue and Neeve were here. Every year, Maura sat on the wall, knees pulled up to her chin, staring at nothing, and recited names to Blue. To Blue, the churchyard remained empty, but to Maura, it was full of the dead. Not the currently dead, but the spirits of those who would die in the next twelve months. (1.46)

Figuring out who's going to die in the next year is a dirty job, but someone's got to do it. For some reason, Maura's clients often want to know if they're going to die soon. How morbid.

Quote #2

That was what had brought Gansey to Henrietta in the first place: months of dowsing and research. Later, he'd tried to dowse the line more precisely with Adam. They'd circled the town with a willow divining rod and an electromagnetic-frequency reader, swapping the instruments between the two of them. (7.14)

Gansey didn't just end up in Henrietta because he wanted to go to the prestigious Aglionby Academy—he went there because the place is steeped in magic, and Gansey is the kind of person who's always looking for signs of the supernatural.

Quote #3

"Who's there?" asked Neeve.

But it was not Neeve's voice. It was something deeper and farther away.

A nasty little shiver ran up Blue's arms. Somewhere in the tree above, a bird hissed. At least Blue thought it was a bird. (17.14-16)

As anyone who has ever watched a horror movie knows, finding out that a family member is possessed by a spirit is a cue to run away immediately. Even Blue, who has been raised around psychics, knows that this is a bad sign.