The Raven Boys Chapter 15 Summary

  • Blue has been waiting around all day to meet Gansey, but when the time for his appointment comes, Gansey doesn't show up. Go figure.
  • After some time, the doorbell finally rings. Maura opens the door, and there are three boys… and Blue recognizes them. Oh no. Gansey is that awful rude boy who wanted to pay her to talk to his friend.
  • Maura tells everyone to sit down, and says that it's too loud. Their energies are extremely chaotic and loud for some reason, which means that they're going to do a one-off reading—each will draw just one card from a tarot deck.
  • Blue shuffles the deck and holds it out to Adam, who selects the "two of swords." This means that he's avoiding a hard choice, and that someone close to him is asking him to compromise his principles. Huh. That sounds eerily like the conversation he had with Gansey about moving out.
  • Adam asks them what the right choice is, and Maura suggests that he make a third path for himself, even if that doesn't seem possible right now.
  • Blue offers the deck to Ronan next, but he refuses to take a card until they tell him something true about himself. Calla tells him that a secret killed his father, and Ronan immediately leaves the house in a huff.
  • Finally, Gansey draws a card. He draws the "page of cups," which is Blue's card. Maura, unnerved, gets him to draw another, but it's the same card. It happens again until he finally ends up drawing the "death" card. Uh-oh. That's a doozy.
  • Gansey says that he doesn't care about the cards, though—he wants to ask them about ley lines, but Maura says that she doesn't want to answer any questions about it.
  • The boys leave, and Maura turns to her daughter to tell her that she doesn't want Blue hanging out with those boys ever again. Blue gets annoyed. Ugh, this is such a typical teenage/parent struggle.