The Raven Boys Chapter 25 Summary

  • Over the next three days, Blue and the boys continue with their exploring. They spend a lot of time looking up info about the strange place they found, reading up on Glendower, and marking the ley line on maps.
  • They also eat a lot of cheap food because Blue absolutely refuses to let Gansey pay for her stuff. Adam finds this trait in her rather attractive—after all, this makes them similar in their pride about money.
  • Blue also gets to meet and hang out with Noah, who takes to her like crazy despite his shyness. He likes to follow her around and pet her hair. That's not weird… right?
  • They head off in the Camaro, and Adam feels nervous because now he knows that Gansey's crazy ley line stuff is real.
  • When they walk into the woods where they found the outline of the raven, they hear the trees sigh, which is pretty weird.
  • As they walk through the woods, the leaves of the trees change—it turns out that they're walking through different seasons. On a rock, they see some words written in Latin. That's eerie enough, but it's even eerier when Ronan points out that it's in his own handwriting.
  • He tells them that it says that the trees speak Latin. Uh, okay. Is that some kind of metaphor?