Unforgiven Death Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Unforgiven.

Quote #1

WILL: You remember Eagle Hendershot…No I saw him…His head was all broke open you could see inside of it. Worms were coming out.

This is the first of several very graphic descriptions from Will. Death is a harsh, gruesome reality ("head was all broke open," "worms…coming out") that the film will uncomfortably explore.

Quote #2

WILL: I seen him Ned. I seen the Angel of Death. I seen a river Ned. He's got snake eyes. It's the Angel of Death…I'm scared of dying. I seen Claudia too…Her face was all covered with worms. Oh Ned I'm scared. I'm dying….don't tell nobody. Don't tell my kids, none of the things I done.

Will's nightmares have him coming face to face with the reality of death and, for the first and only time, we see a vulnerable side of him, the one that is "scared of dying."

Quote #3

THE KID: It don't seem real, how he ain't never gonna breathe again ever. How he's dead. And the other one too. All on account of pulling a trigger…I guess they had it coming.

Up until this point the Kid has been living in a fantasy world. Now, the reality of death hits him hard. It's almost surreal for him. He can't believe that just "on account of pulling a trigger" he can kill a guy.