Unforgiven Scene 24 Summary

  • The Kid and Will are outside an outhouse. A house or cabin is nearby. This is presumably the Bar T.
  • A man exits the outhouse, and heads back inside. The Kid smiles.
  • Inside the house, a man makes a joke about there are two hundred men outside with rifles looking for Mike. He says he agreed to sell Mike for five cents.
  • Mike says he's not worried because he has protection. He looks over to where a heavy man is sleeping—Bill's deputy.
  • The scene shifts, and we see a large group of men on horseback approach the sheriff's office, where Bill is waiting with his deputies.
  • Ned is on one of those horses. He told the men his name is Ned Roundtree.
  • As Ned is ushered inside, Bill tells Ned that he will tell them where his two friends are—them "murderous sons of bitches."