Unforgiven Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Unforgiven.

Quote #1

THE KID: You don't look no meaner-than-hell, cold-blooded damn killer.
WILL: Maybe I ain't.

Will is so different than he used to be that he doesn't physically resemble an outlaw. The "maybe" here, however, is crucial. Just how transformed is he?

Quote #2

WILL: I ain't like that anymore, kid.

This is the first of several instances where Will claims he isn't the killer he used to be. When a character says something like this, we need to pay close attention.

Quote #3

NED: We ain't bad men no more. We're farmers.

These lines sound a little more earnest coming from Ned, but it's certainly interesting, if not ironic, that Ned and Will head out to do some "bad" things shortly after Ned issues these remarks. Farmers? Yeah right, guys.