We Were Liars Cadence Sinclair Eastman Quotes

Granddad and Tipper loved the girls so, they couldn't say whom they loved best. First Carrie, then Penny, then Bess, then Carrie again. (3.3)

We're going to go out on a limb and say that most siblings feel their parents play favorites occasionally. But to leave your kids wondering which one of them will be the favorite that day is seriously messed up.

As he grew old, he began to wonder which should inherit the kingdom, since none had married and he had no heir. The king decided to ask his daughters to demonstrate their love for him. (16.13)

Harris's daughters aren't trying to demonstrate their love for him; they're complaining about who deserves what, and trying to get their kids in on the fight. Harris, of course, sees through it.

Antiques and Oriental rugs tell people that my mother may be a dog breeder who dropped out of Bryn Mawr, but she's got power—because she's got money. (17.9)

Except that Harris is really the one with the money, so he's really the one with the power.