We Were Liars Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

My full name is Cadence Sinclair Eastman, and contrary to the expectations of the beautiful family in which I was raised, I am an arsonist.

A visionary, a heroine, a rebel.

The kind of person who changes history. (72.14-16)

Cadence doesn't change world history, only Beechwood history. And Beechwood will always rebuild itself.

Quote #5

"Granddad held so much power," I say. "And now he doesn't. We changed an evil we saw in the world." (72.27)

In changing an evil, Cadence literally, physically changes her brain. So she doesn't change the evil nearly as much as she just moves the evil from the outside world into her own head.

Quote #6

It was a horrible thing to do. Maybe. But it was something. It wasn't sitting by, complaining. I am a more powerful person than my mother will ever know. I have trespassed against her and helped her, too. (73.56)

Cadence actually has less power after the accident—she becomes dependent on her mother to dole out meds, take her to the doctor, and otherwise run her life. If anything, her mother becomes more powerful since Cadence can't even spend the night at Cuddledown without her permission.