We Were Liars The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Clairmont sits at the highest point, with water views in three directions. I crane my neck to look for its friendly turret—but it isn't there…instead of the house where Granddad spent every summer since forever, I see a sleek modern building perched on a rocky hill. (23.23)

New Clairmont is completely different from old Clairmont—so not only has Harris stopped talking about Tipper, he's erased her memory by erasing her taste.

Quote #8

It feels clean and open, but it isn't spartan, because everything is opulent. (33.15)

The Sinclairs don't do simple, and even when things are plain, they're expensive. They probably have to take antihistamines when they get near IKEA furniture.

Quote #9

We take down Bess's landscape watercolors and roll up her rugs. We pillage the littles' bedrooms for fun objects. When we are done, the great room is decorated with piggy banks and patchwork quilts, stacks of children's books, a lamp shaped like an owl. (35.3)

In other words, the Liars make Cuddledown look like somebody lives there.